About ecoadmin

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So far ecoadmin has created 18 blog entries.

Tailored trainings in geostatistics applied to contaminated sites and urban soils

eOde proposes tailored trainings in geostatistics applied to contaminated sites and urban soils. In 2018 for example, eOde delivered an in-house 1-day course to the project managers of ADEME at Angers, while in 2014, eOde organized a 3 days-course for the equip of Envisol in the Rhônes-Alpes region.

2022-01-24T14:27:18+01:00January 6th, 2022|Geostatistics, Home, News, Training|0 Comments

eOde-Geovariances seminar on October 27, 2015 at the University of Neuchâtel

The 7th edition of the eOde-Geovariances seminar (2nd swiss edition) will be held at the University of Neuchâtel. This one day course is designed for professionals aiming at best knowing the possibilities brought by geostatistics to characterize contaminated sites and soils. It can be integrated in the preparation of the CAS [...]

2016-10-31T09:35:57+01:00October 6th, 2015|Events, Geostatistics, Home, News, Training|0 Comments

4th french exchange days on June 18 and 19, 2015 in Geneva

The 4th french exchange days on contaminated sites and soils were held on June 18 and 19, 2015 in Geneva. This event was organized both by the GESDEC, the L'Ucie association and the OFEV. Hélène Demougeot-Renard was invited to speak on the topic "Site contaminated with chlorinated hydrocarbons - Assessing the potential of natural biodegradation [...]

2015-10-13T10:36:31+01:00January 25th, 2015|Contaminated sites, News|0 Comments

DNA/RNA quantification and Oreos software for a feasibility study of biostimulation

Use of the Oreos software (c) Burgeap for a feasibility study of biostimulation (chlorinated hydrocarbons contamination). Assessment of the biodegradation activity using molecular biology techniques (DNA/RNA quantification ) from the Enoveo laboratory.    

2015-11-26T08:13:09+01:00January 1st, 2015|Contaminated sites, Events, News|0 Comments

Citation in La Recherche

The study "Critical feedback about the use of geostatistical methods..." conducted for the RECORD association by  eOde in partnership with the Geovariances and Antea Group firms is mentioned in La Recherche (November 2014, N°493, Cahier spécial Sites et sols pollués, p.111). Full study report can be downloaded from the RECORD website.

2016-10-31T09:35:57+01:00November 8th, 2014|News|0 Comments
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