DNA/RNA quantification and Oreos software for a feasibility study of biostimulation

Use of the Oreos software (c) Burgeap for a feasibility study of biostimulation (chlorinated hydrocarbons contamination). Assessment of the biodegradation activity using molecular biology techniques (DNA/RNA quantification ) from the Enoveo laboratory.    

2015-11-26T08:13:09+01:00January 1st, 2015|Contaminated sites, Events, News|0 Comments

CAS in contaminated sites management for swiss professionals

Hélène Demougeot-Renard founded and directed a continuing education course in contaminated sites management in Switzerland from 2002 to 2010, at the Centre d'hydrogéologie et de géologie of the University of Neuchâtel. Since 2011, Hélène is a regular speaker of the CAS en gestion des sites pollués on the topics of detailed investigation, sampling strategy and [...]

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